Core Team
Liz Canning, Director/Producer/Editor/Writer/ Camera/Animator
Liz Canning’s film work has screened internationally, winning a 2021 Emmy nomination (Young Women Rising) and the 2006 Sundance Special Jury Prize (American Blackout), among other awards. Liz's 1995 short, Handmirror/Brush Set Included was broadcast on PBS and at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. The 2007 feature doc, Girls Rock!, was released in theaters nationwide and featured five animated sequences created by Liz to demonstrate the cultural forces affecting young girls. Liz is a Brown University grad and former bike racer who lives in the hills of Marin County, CA with her husband and teenage twins.
More at Motherload Films • Resume • Contact Liz •
Marilyn DeLaure, Producer
Marilyn is an Associate Professor in the Communication Studies and Environmental Studies programs at the University of San Francisco. Her teaching and research areas include social movements, environmental communication, and rhetorical criticism. She is co-editor of Culture Jamming: Activism and the Art of Cultural Resistance (NYU Press). She lives in Fairfax, CA, and loves biking on the road, on the mountain, and to and from school with her two daughters.
Liz McGregor, Producer of Marketing & Distribution
Liz has directed and produced projects from full length documentaries to shorts and commercials. She organized the South American debut of the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour in Chile. She was the Director of New York City ’s first environmental film festival and the Associate Director of the Tahoe Reno International Film Festival.
Arleen McGlade, Executive Producer
Arleen is an award-winning producer whose credits include the documentary Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine (Daytime Emmy Award), Oscar-winning director Damien Chazelle’s Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench, and One Big Home, about the social and environmental impacts of mega mansions. She is currently in production on Dear Walmart, about the power of speaking out and organizing for change.
Denise Bostrom, Story Editor
Denise Bostrom has researched and written documentary scripts for over thirty years, including films broadcast on PBS, HBO, Canadian, Dutch, and French TV. Her first doc, produced by Women Make Movies, championed women’s health rights post-Roe v. Wade. She’s worked as script-doctor/supervisor with directors: Chris Columbus, George Lucas, Wayne Wang, and John Korty. She taught screenwriting at San Francisco State University and San Quentin State Prison.
Erica Tanamachi, Producer
Erica is an award-winning filmmaker and MFA graduate of San Francisco State University. She has produced, directed, and edited reality shows, cooking shows, tech product commercials and (her favorite) social action documentaries all over the SF Bay Area. She is also a fashionista half-iron woman, marathon-running, proud cargo bike-riding mom of two!
John Behrens, Cinematographer
John Behrens is known for his work on Racing Extinction (2015), Resilience (2015), Bias (2018), Nova: Are We Alone? (2018), The Game Changers (2017), Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution (2016), The Mask You Live In (2015), Scheme C6 (2001) and I Am a Sex Addict (2005).
Shannon Whitnack Evans, Assistant Editor
Shannon logged hours of video and tracked down tidbits of media from all over the cargo bike world. It helps that she lives next to Xtracycle headquarters in her home with Ross Evans, Xtracycle CEO, rides an Edgerunner with their son Kale, and shoots video everywhere they go.
Each of the cargo bike lovers listed here has submitted video capturing some aspect of the movement: family/business use, bike design/history, disaster response, poverty relief, personal freedom, etc.. Many have helped in other ways -- by housing, transporting or feeding me while shooting, connecting me with a shooter for hire, or tipping me off on the latest cargo happenings. MOTHERLOAD would not be possible without these amazing folks. Many thanks!
Dave Cohen & VBike Solutions
Everyone below contributed to the LESS CAR<MORE GO/MOTHERLOAD Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign at the Co-Producer level or above. There were over 700 total Kickstarter backers.