MOTHERLOAD organized a group bike ride to our World Premiere and offered secure bike parking in collaboration with the Marin Bike Coalition. This fall, the town of Fairfax will host an outdoor Bike-In Movie Night on the ball field!
MOTHERLOAD is more than a film, it’s a Movement, and every screening moves us forward!
Screening Hosts can fund their events in various ways:
Charge admission. Making it a sliding scale if that feels right.
Partner with a local organization on a fundraiser and request donations.
Collaborate with your town council or Departments of Recreation or Urban Planning.
Get local bike shop(s), Safe Routes to School, sustainability, women’s rights or family advocacy orgs to get involved.
Ask local bike hang-outs (breweries, coffee-shops, etc) if they’d like to host.
Find 6 bike-loving friends to invest $100 each, rent an outdoor projection system for $300, host a Bike-In Movie night, sell 150 tickets for $6-10 each and make $450 after costs. Make more if you sell popcorn and MOTHERLOAD T-shirts :)!
Invite a local philanthropist to donate the cost of the Screening Package to MOTHERLOAD via our non-profit fiscal sponsor HERE.
Make your screening a memorable and inspiring event that your community will LOVE:
Organize a bike ride TO the screening!
Offer secure bike parking at the venue.
Offer an assortment of cargo bikes outside of theater for people to test ride.
Organize a potluck picnic in a nearby park before or after the screening.
Lead a Kidical Mass ride that ends at the screening.
Celebrate by riding to a local brewery after the screening!
Set up a table for local bike advocacy groups to display information.
Sell popcorn and MOTHERLOAD T-shirts, stickers, & posters :)!
Use our Moderator’s Discussion Guide to lead a lively post-screening discussion of the themes in MOTHERLOAD.
Invite members of the MOTHERLOAD team to your event by emailing them at
CONTACT US at if you have questions or need help figuring out how to make your screening happen! Please let us know about your plans and send pics when it’s over :).